Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What I made this weekend while it rained

Hi folks!
This past weekend it rained here in the desert. It was beautiful! More than five minutes worth of rain too! I love the rain! I don't know about you, but rainy weather always makes me want to stay at home, make cookies and snuggle on the couch with a blanket and read. Doesn't that just sound dreamy?!

Well, since I wasn't about to go anywhere..(and in case you were wondering.. Yes, I was strong, I did NOT make cookies) I decided to tackle a project I've been putting off for a while. I started cleaning/reorganizing my crafty area. Yay! Go me! (don't you just love when you finally get around to doing something, and it's not as hard or takes as long as you thought it would be? I love that feeling!)

I'm not quite done with it yet, but it's looking great! I spray painted some stuff lying around to help organize too.
Stay tuned for that update!

In the meantime... While sorting all my precious precious piles of craft supplies, I found 4 packages of pre-cut quilt squares. What did I immediately do? Why, set up the sewing machine, of course!

I "needed" a break from all my hard work, so I finished the day by making a quilt top from all those little squares! I conveniently found matching pink and while polka dot fabric, plain white fabric and the aqua patterned fabric, and I only had to look in 2 boxes stashed in the closet! (one day that'll all be sorted out/given away. Minimizing my stuff. I'm working on it slowly.)

So, here's the finished diversionary project. Hope you like it!  My new quilt top. I have more to go to finish it up, but the hard part's done

It'll look even better once I iron it. I'm going to use a extra sheet that was destined to the thrift shops as the backing. I love that I can use stuff around the house!

 I put a stripe of pink around the white. It helps finish it off. It looked funny just with the white edge. It needed something else. I debated a stripe of aqua blue, but that would be too much, I think.

I haven't even trimmed the random threads..

Total cost:
4 quilt square packages found in my personal stash= free
White fabric = free
pink polka dot fabric = free
aqua print fabric = free
white sheet for quilt backing = free

The only thing I need to purchase is the batting. Nice! And hopefully with a 40% off coupon, too.

What fun things have you made instead of doing something else? :)
I read a study finding these diversionary things are good, They help you concentrate harder, later on the original thought. I can't find the exact article, but I found another one here that's equally as good, or better!
Happy crafting!

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