Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mayday Mayday my love life needs reviving!

Mayday Mayday My love life needs reviving!

Since it's May Day (May 1st),  I figured today is a great day to jump back in the dating game with both feet.

I haven't been in the mood or right frame of mind to date for a while lately.  I had more pressing issues; my health, not feeling well, stress, you know, Life.  The "Struggle is Real" is for reals. If any of you are going through it, I feel ya. I was there and it wasn't pretty.

Now for the good news; I've made it past Life's current crappy challenge (Yay!) I'm feeling great and ready to get out there and meet some new people and make some new friends!

I've read lots of dating advice, what to do and not to do. I went to a wonderful class by a friend of mine called, How to meet your Husband and she had great tips and pointers. Another acquaintance of mine shared tips she learned from her dating coach (I love free advice). This will be my journey of putting all their advice to work. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts and advice. I'll take all the dating advice you got

which right now feels like everything

I've gone this long doing my own thing, dating-wise, and apparently it's not working. I might as well try something new.

So.. sit back, give thanks if you have a Significant Other, and enjoy my real life bachelorette show!

If it's like anything from my past, there will be lots of horrifically funny first date stories. Hopefully some second dates, and if we're lucky, some real contenders.

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